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Most consultants advise


New solutions for the outdated practices that hold orchestras (and others) back.

Current focus

Beyond Subscriptions:
Membership Models for Orchestras

Subscription has been central to our business model – for both ticket sales and for turning ticket buyers into donors. But for many, subscriptions aren’t working as well as they once did.

But it’s not the only path to loyalty: modern memberships can help turn around subscription decline and convert new patrons.

Considering a membership program at your organization?


  • Benefit from industry-leading innovation: I developed the only successful membership in use by a major US Orchestra, which has been adapted for a variety of organizational sizes & types.

  • Easier acquisition, year round: rather than across a limited subscription campaign timeframe, with comparable renewal rates and deep relationship building.

  • Gain more flexibility for your organization in programming and experimentation to meet the modern patron where they are.

  • Can co-exist with your current subscription base: meaning you’re adding to that (still important) revenue stream, rather than replacing it.

Have a membership program already? 

There's not a lot of resources out there for learning what works or sharing best practices. I'd like to change that, and I need your help. 


Under development

New Income Streams
Attracting future audiences

If we want to build an audience for the future, we need to matter to more people than we currently do – including people who don't care (right now) about orchestral music.

SECTORLAB is currently exploring case studies and new models from outside our sector to help orchestras reinforce fragile business models and expand audiences – from immersive & experiential design, unique programming approaches, relevance & purpose, and beyond.

What makes SECTORLAB different?

I started SECTORLAB because I believe orchestras are at a dangerous tipping point - which few are addressing to the extent needed.  


I believe we need reinvention, not incremental improvement.

  • I actively research and develop solutions to our sector's challenges on an ongoing basis, rather than waiting until I’m working on a particular project. That means I bring more to an engagement.

  • I look outside the arts in developing solutions, rather than the “industry bubble” that tends to echo back the same ideas over and over. 

R&D you can use

I occasionally send out case studies and other ideas that may be useful as you’re thinking about how to think bigger and change the narrative at your organization. 

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